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题型 Multiple Choice (30%) Identification(20%) Short-answer Questions(20%) Appreciation(30%) 复习内容 Multiple Choice In American literature, the 18th century was the age of the Enlightenment. ______was the dominant spirit. A.Humanism B. Rationalism C. Revolution D. Evolution Which statement about B. Franklin is not true? He instructed his countrymen as a printer. B. He was a scientist. C. He is a puritan D. He was a master of Diplomacy The Autobiography of B. Franklin is an important document of _____. A. American Realism B. American Romanticism C. American Puritanism D. American Naturalism Which of the following characters is an ambitionless and idle man who longs to escape from his wifes nagging? A. Soapy B. Rip Van Winkle C. Roger Chillingworth D. Jim Smiley From “Rip Van Winkle” it can be inferred that _____. A.Washington Irving’s taste is very modern. B . Washington Irving shows great in the American Revolution. C. Washington Irving prefers the past to the present. D. Washington Irving wrote the story in a realistic way. Washington Irving’s social conservation and literary preference for the past is revealed, to some extent, in his famous story, ______. A.“The Legend of Sleepy Hallow” B.“Rip Van Winkle” C. “The Custom House” D.“The Birthmark” “Rip?Van?Winkle”?is?a?short?story?written?by?___ A.?James?Fenimore?Cooper? B.?Washington?Irving ? C.?Edgar?Allan?Poe? D.?Mark?Twain The?Romantic?Period?in?American?Literary?history?started?with ? the?publication?of?____. A.Washington?Irving’s ?The?Sketch?Book? B.Washington?Irving’s ?Tales?of?A?Traveler? C.Whitmam’s ?Leaves?of?Grass? D.James?F.?Cooper’s ?Leather?Stocking?Tales _______ was regarded as “Father of the American short stories”. A. Edgar Allan Poe B. Ralph Waldo Emerson C. Washington Irving D. Nathaniel Hawthorne Emersonian Transcendentalism is, in fact, a philosophical school which absorbed some ideological concerns of _______ and


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