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The 1960s of America Culture Politics -- social movements 1950s ,the new affluence and modern American culture Women Blacks Minorities A group of artists- The Beats ( the Beat Generation 垮掉的一代) The Beats: Jack Kerouac On the Road Allen Ginsberg Howl Music literature: offered fresh and candid perspectives of American society Inspired the Young to seek out views different The Beatles helped shape the culture, politics and fashion of the Sixties, as well as the music of those that followed them. Drug Use : first widespread and socially accepted (LSD/acid 迷幻and?marijuana 大麻 Acid Test 兴奋剂实验 Ken Kesey 肯`克西(“One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest”飞越疯人院) “Merry Pranksters”快活的恶作剧者 school bus named “Further” The crimes had shocked the nation and symbolized the darkest elements of the counterculture. The presidential election of John F. Kennedy symbolized a new beginning for a new generation. To some Americans, counterculture reflected American ideals of free speech, equality, and pursuit of happiness. Other people saw the counterculture as self-indulgent, rebellious, unpatriotic, and destructive of Americas moral order. People’s Opinion Dr. Martin Luther King delivered his now infamous “I have a dream” speech out side the Lincoln Memorial in 1963. He recognized that civil rights movement needed public attention in order to progress. The?Free Speech Movement? was a?student protest?took place during the 1964–1965 academic year on the campus of the?University of California, Berkeley . In protests students insisted that the university administration lift the ban of on-campus political activities and acknowledge the students right to?free speech?and?academic freedom. The expansion of military in Vietnam fueled the antiwar movement at home. Many demonstrations took place, like the burning of draft cards(征兵证). Thank you! 粱小艳 王亚荣 李礼 张文


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