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Ernest Hemingway (1899 – 1961) was born in Oak Park, Illinois, in the summer of 1899. a newspaper writer in Kansas City. Early in 1918, he joined the Italian Red Cross and served as an ambulance driver in Italy during World War I, in which the Italians allied with the British, French, and Americans against Germany and Austria-Hungary. struck by a trench mortar shell迫击炮炮弹 on July 8, 1918. transferred to a hospital in Milan, where he fell in love with a Red Cross nurse named Agnes von Kurowsky. Lieutenant Henry and Catherine Barkley in A Farewell to Arms. Then several years as a reporter, during which time he honed the clear, concise, and emotionally evocative?唤起的 writing style. In September 1921, he married his first of four wives and settled in Paris, where he made valuable connections with American expatriate侨民 writers including Gertrude Stein and Ezra Pound. reputation as a writer was most firmly established by the publication of?The Sun Also Rises?in 1926 and?A Farewell to Arms?in 1929 (Hemingway’s most accomplished novel ) a master of many trades: writing, soldiering, boxing, bullfighting, big-game hunting. The Old Man and the Sea,?in 1952. Pulitzer Prize, the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. On July 2, 1961, driven by depression Hemingway killed himself in his home in Ketchum, Idaho. Lost Generation The Lost Generation firstly used by Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), one of the leaders of this group. It included the young English and American expatriates侨居国外者 as well as men and women caught in the war and cut off from the old values and yet unable to come to terms with the new era when civilization had gone mad. It means this generation had lost the beautiful sense of the calm idyllic past. Stein’s comment suggests the ambiguous and pointless lives of expatriates侨居国外者 as they aimlessly wandered about the Continent, drinking, making love, traveling from place to place and from party to party. These activities seem to justify their search


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