美国文学 franklin.ppt

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美国文学 franklin

品行磨炼 Benjamin Franklin what do you know about him? Benjamin Franklin(1706—1790) printer, editor, inventor, scientist, opened his own print shop for 20 years of the lightning rod made experiment with a kite, proving that lightning was electricity published the Pennsylvania Gazette (newspaper) Benjamin Franklin(1706—1790) a member of the group that wrote the Declaration of Independence founded the first public library, organized the first fire department and the first paid police force, founded a college and a hospital. Autobiography《自传》 Poor Richard’s Almanac 《穷理查德历书》 politician, public-spirited citizen, writer Poor Richard’s Almanac First published in 1732 and became an annual publication until 1757. he used the pseudonym Richard Saunders in writing the text Response to the almanac was tremendous, and it sold as many as 10,000 issues a year. as a service to the American people, hoping to educate them and entice their intellectual appetites continued to emphasize the two qualities he found most essential to success: industry and frugality. Annual publication giving information for that year Lost time is never found again, A penny saved is a penny earned, God helps those that help themselves, Fish and visitors stink in three days Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise There are no gains without pains Industry pays debts while despair increases them Diligence is the mother of good luck One today is worth two tomorrows Trouble springs from idleness Great talkers, little doers When befriended, remember it; When you befriend, forget it Who is strong? He that can conquer his bad habits. Who is rich? He that rejoices in his portion. At 20 years of age the will reigns; at 30 the wit; at 40 the judgment. Half the truth is often a great lie. There are three faithful friends, an old wife, an old dog, and ready money. Autobiography biography bibliography Autobiography A story that a pers


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