美国政治格局课件Political System.ppt

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美国政治格局课件Political System

Constitutional Convention Monica Lewinsky Amazing Achievements! The lowest unemployment rate in modern times, the lowest inflation in 30 years, the highest home ownership (房屋拥有率) in the countrys history, dropping crime rates in many places. The US enjoyed an economic growth for 9 consecutive years; which set a record for the longest growth period after WWII. “Big Bill is a nice decision-maker, as a man; a nice policy-maker, as a President.” Love Affair with a White House Intern Monica Lewinsky Clinton was the second US President to be impeached by the House. He was tried in the Senate and found NOT guilty of the charges brought against him. Did he lose the public trust popularity? He apologized to the nation for his actions continued to have unprecedented popular approval ratings for his job as a President. Bill pays a high compliment to Hillary. George Walker Bush (2001- 2009) His father--- George Herbert Walker Bush Born in Connecticut in 1946 grew up in Texas. Educational background: BA in History at Yale University (1968), MBA at Harvard Business School (1975). He was elected Governor of Texas in 1994 and President in 2001. His administration is really eventful. 9/11 anti-terrorist war War in Afghanistan (Osama Bin Laden) War in Iraq (Tyrant Sadam Hussein ) Mistreatment of Iraqi criminals Tough negotiations with Iran over nuclear issues Deficit financing Unpopularity among war protestants Anti-war Protests * * * * * * * * * * * * After elected to serve his/her country, the President lives and works in the White House. The offices of most of his staff are also located there, such as White House Staff, National Security Council the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). President Who is the President? Barack Hussein Obama II Requirements to be president: At least 35 years old Born in the US Lived in the US for the least 14 years How long is he/she president? Up to 2 terms 4-year terms Executive Branch Obama in Washingto


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