美国文学American Literature.ppt

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美国文学American Literature

the Age of Realism the period of Regionalism(地方主义) Mark Twain(马克.吐温) pen name of Samuel Clemens(塞谬尔·克莱门斯) the first major American writer to be born away from the East Coast The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn《哈克贝里. 费恩历险记》(1884) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer《汤姆索亚历险记》(1876) the greatest novel in American literature peculiarly American sense of humor outrageous jokes and tall tales in a calm, innocent, matter-of-fact manner local dialect for comic effect rich in metaphor, newly invented words and drawling rhythm apparent shrewd social satire writing style The Prince and the Pauper《王子与贫儿》(1881) Life on the Mississippi《密西西比河上》(1883) other works the period of naturalism(自然主义) the Age of Realism Emile Zola(左拉)—— a French novelist, founder of the naturalism Stephen Crane(斯蒂芬. 克莱恩) Theodore Dreiser(西奥多. 德莱赛) Sister Carrie《嘉莉妹妹》(1900) Upton Sinclair(厄普顿. 辛克莱) The Jungle《屠场》(1906) Jack London(杰克. 伦敦) Call of the Wild 《野性的呼唤》(1903) naturalists — developed from regional writers Maggie, A Girl of the Streets《街头女郎玛吉》(1893) The Red Badge of Courage《红色英雄勋章》(1895) cross-century novelist the Age of Realism Henry James(亨利. 詹姆斯) an American living in Europe excellent at “international” novels and stories about Americans living in Europe one of the most distinguished novelists of the post-Civil War era early works (19th century) late works (20th century) The American 《一个美国人》(1877) Portrait of a Lady《女士的画像》(1881) The Wings of the Dove《鸽翼》 The Ambassadors《专使》 The Golden Bowl《金碗》 women novelists the Age of Realism Edith Wharton(伊迪丝. 华顿) Kate Chopin(凯特. 肖邦):stopped writing after her book was condemned by literary critics Willa Cather(薇拉. 凯瑟): a major American writer The House of Mirth《欢乐之家》 The Age of Innocence《纯真年代》 The Awakening《觉醒》— story in the heart of the South America O Pioneers!《啊!拓荒者》— life in midwestern Nebraska (内布拉斯加) the Age of Realism black writers (Afro-American writers) W. E. B. Dubois(杜波伊斯) the first black writer in America the most influential black intellectua


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