美英报刊阅读lesson 1.ppt

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美英报刊阅读lesson 1

PART THREE The Chinese government invited me to attend the International Conference on the “Exchange of Talent” held in Shenzhen on Nov. 5. Vice Premier, Zhang Dejiang launched China’s “Thousand Foreign Talents Program,” which, for the first time, opens China’s doors to skilled foreigners to secure long-term employment in China. The Chinese government announced that it will allow foreign nationals to take senior roles in science and technology sectors and . They will also pay foreigners salaries equal to what they can earn at top paying jobs in America. And the government announced that it intends to offer to foreign entrepreneurs. state-owned enterprises permanent resident-type visas 永久居住签证(green card) This announcement was frontnews in China, and its importance should not be underestimated in the U.S. where these developments were not widely . covered 这项计划在中国登上了报纸的头条新闻,但是在美国对这类事件却没有广泛的报道,然而,我们不能低估其重要性。 to report the details of (an event) by a newspaper, TV network etc 包含,覆盖 PART THREE These programs, which were announced with amazing fanfare, represent a significant break from the traditional “use Chinese” policies and a greater openness to the outside world. Chinese governors and senior officials from across the country participated in the ceremonies, and the Chinese government claimed the conference had 100,000 attendees. The festivities that accompanied this were dazzling, with cultural entertainers and acrobats brought in from all over China. Denis Fred Simon, author and Vice-Provost for International Affairs at the University of Oregon was one of the nine foreign experts at the Shenzhen conference. China, said Simon, sees talent as the next big global race for driving competitiveness and innovation. nothing short of nothing less than, nothing but(用于加强语气)不少于... 的;简直 The country is det


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