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Emily Dickinson This Is My Letter To The World This is my letter to the World That never wrote to Me— The simple News that Nature told— With tender Majesty Her Message is committed To Hands I cannot see— For love of Her—Sweet—countrymen— Judge tenderly—of Me 这是我给世界的信 ? ?? ?     ? ?? 这是我给世界的信 ? ? 因为它从来不写信给我—— ? ? 那是温柔崇高的存在 ? ? 自然在把简单的信息诉说 ? ?? ?   ? ? 她的信是交付给 ? ? 一双我无法看见的手—— ? ? 因为她的爱——亲切的同乡 ? ? ——请温柔地评判我 On Poetry Poetry should be powerful and touching. The inspiration of the poet came from his inner world or intensity of his emotions and the past literary traditions. Poetry should express ideas through concrete images. It was the poet’s duty to express abstract ideas through vivid and fresh imagery. She was against the restriction of the traditional doctrines and argued for the depiction of one’s inner world. Style A: Her poems have no titles, hence the first line of each poem is always quoted as the title of each poem. B: particular stress pattern: dash“— ” C: Capital letters as a means of emphasis; D: Language: brief, direct, and plain; E: Poem: short, always on original images or symbols F: Conventional meters, iambic tetrameter, off-rhymes. G: Short poetic lines, condensed by using intense metaphors and by extensive use of ellipsis. H: Regular meter—hymn meter and ballad meter, also known as Common meter Quatrains Alternating tetrameter and trimeter Often 1st and 3rd lines rhyme, 2nd and 4th lines rhyme in iambic pentameter Visual and audible effects, great imagination, sincere emotions. I: Her poems tend to be personal and meditative (e.g. “Because I could not stop for Death”). Themes Dickinson often brought dazzling originality to overwrought topics. Life Love Nature Time and Eternity Death and Mourning Religion and Faith Isolation and Depression Poetry and Language 要造就一片草原,只需一株苜蓿一只蜂 一株苜蓿,一只蜂 再加上白日梦 有白日梦也就够了 如果找不到蜂 To make a prairie She begins by claiming that to make a physically large item, “a prairie,” all one needs is


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