自然拼音学习--元音 i、o、u.ppt

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自然拼音学习--元音 i、o、u

短元音“i” bick cid dish fit gift hit jisd list misd nist pin quick risk sick tid vin wind xit yi t zitch chick shin trich drif thin 请用学过的知识认读下列单词 Fix the switch. Check the rich. Mix the fish. Kick the ditch. Spill the milk. Trick the chick. Kick the brick. Quit the tricks. List the skills. Kiss the miss. Risk the ship. Mess up the trip. a bit sick a slick chick a thick milk a quick kick a big bridge 短元音“o” 字母“a”只有在辅音“w”之后,才 有可能发短元音“o”的音。例如: what, swan, want,swamp,swap,swab, swallow,watch,wasp,wash,was,washer。 dot got not pot hot spot cop mop pop top stop shop job bob rob knob cod box fox lock clock block lot bo 请用下列所给不间断音和结尾辅音组词 bo s-co do go ho g-lo s-mo s-no s-po 请用下列所给不间断音和结尾辅音组词 Homework 1.复习所有辅音的发音,并加入元音Aa/? /、Ee/ e /、Ii/I/的发音练习拼读单词,抄写P10单词两遍(课本第十页listen and repeat)要求会读、会写。 2.每天坚持听 VCD ,预习Unit5元音Uu的发音。 家长签字 短元音“u” buck cut dug fun gust hut just luck mug num pub quub ruf sum tub vun wug xud yun zus chub shuf trub drum thub Homewok 1.复习所有辅音的发音,并加入元音Aa/? /、Ee/ e /、Ii/I/、Oo/?/、Uu /?/ 的发音练习拼读单词,抄写P12单词两遍(课本第12页listen and repeat)要求会读、会写。 2.每天坚持听 VCD ,复习所有元音字母的发音,下周上复习课。 家长签字 请用下列所给不间断音和结尾辅音组词 bu cu du gu hu ju lu mu nu pu cu 请用下列所给不间断音和结尾辅音组词 bu cu du gu hu ju lu mu nu pu 请用下列所给不间断音和结尾辅音组词 bu cu du gu hu ju lu mu nu pu 真词认读(1) ruffle muffle scuffle smuggle struggle snuggle grumble crumple rumple humble 真词认读(2) slugger snugger smugger utter butter shutter stutter gutter sputter clutter 真词认读(3) lucky mucky plucky ducky bulky hulky sulky dully dusky husky 短句认读 This is much tougher than I thought. Is he tough enough? He is such a hard nut to crack. He loves nothing but money. You must hurry. Chuck lost too much blood in the flood. You must shut up. Let’s run to the hut. Let’s sum things up. Why are you in such a hurry? Don’t stay too long under the sun. You can’


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