英美概况美国经济 甜心.ppt

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英美概况美国经济 甜心

Unit5 AMERICAN ECONOMY Industrial Revolution Free Enterprise The Roots of Affluence American Agriculture Industrial 1.Economy brand 2.Adam smith 3.Alexander Hamilton 4.Great inventions revolution Feature: gathered many workers together in one workplace and produced goods for distribution over a wide area. The first factory: a cotton textile mill in Pawtucket Rhode Island build by Samue Slater,which combined carding,roving and spinning operation. Turned the northeastern region into an important manufacturing center The increased demand for cotton made the USA became a major cotton producer Cotton Gin Patent. It shows sawtooth gin blades, which were not part of Whitneys original patent Eli Whitney Career inventions Interchangeable parts Cotton gin Rifles In 1913,the automaker Henry Ford introduced the “moving assembly”line.This was a variation on the earlier practice of continuous assembly.It made possible a major saving in labour and time costs. Mass production of consumer goods helped revolutionize the ways in which Americans lived. Steam engine Locomotive Steamboat Textile factory Person Invention Date James Watt First reliable Steam Engine 1775 Eli Whitney Cotton Gin, Interchangeable parts for muskets 1793, 1798 Robert Fulton Regular Steamboat service on the Hudson River 1807 Samuel F. B. Morse Telegraph 1836 Elias Howe Sewing Machine 1844 Isaac Singer Improves and markets Howes Sewing Machine 1851 Cyrus Field Transatlantic Cable 1866 Alexander Graham Bell Telephone 1876 Thomas Edison Phonograph, Incandescant Light Bulb 1877, 1879 Nikola Tesla Induction Electric Motor 1888 Rudolf Diesel Diesel Engine 1892 Orville and Wilbur Wright First Airplane 1903 Henry Ford Model T Ford, Assembly Line 1908, 1913 The “ American system” of mass production which originated in the firearms industry. The application of ne


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