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Translation Workshop (1) Last year, when asked to help commemorate Israels 50th anniversary, he declined. A:去年,当被邀请参加以色列建国50周年庆典时,他拒绝了。 B:去年,当有人邀请他参加以色列建国50周年庆典时,他拒绝了。 (2) The town hall’s foundation stone was laid in 1863. 市政厅奠基于1863年。 (3) Special zones for developing high and new advanced technology have been opened up in places where conditions permit. 条件许可的地方都建起了高新技术开发区。 (4) At the moment the food is being stored in warehouses near the airport. 目前,食品正储藏于机场附近的仓库。 (5) Much has been said about the necessity of introducing foreign funds into Chinese enterprises. 中国企业引进外资的必要性已经谈得很多了。 (6) Several high-ranking officials are now involved in negotiations with the terrorists. 几位高层官员现在正与恐怖分子进行谈判。 (7) The plan prepared by the U. N. has been accepted by the two countries. 联合国制定的这项计划已为两国所接受。 (8) Valuable ancient buildings should be protected by the government. 珍贵的古代建筑物应由政府加以保护。 (9) Those that do so will be rewarded. 凡是这样做的都将得到回报。 (10) The interest of developing countries should be considered. 应该考虑到发展中国家的利益。 (11) Table tennis is played all over China. 在中国乒乓球到处都在打。 中国到处都打乒乓球。 (12) Everything possible was done to conceal our movements from the enemy and to mislead them. 我们千方百计隐藏自己,迷惑敌人。 11.Translating Long Sentences 1.1 English long sentences: The United States pays for Brazilian coffee with dollars, which Brazil can then use to purchase wool form Australia, which can likewise buy textiles from Great Britain, which can import tobacco from the United States in the same way. 美国用美元支付从巴西进口的咖啡,巴西用所得的美元去购买澳大利亚的羊毛,澳大利亚再用收取的外汇进口英国的纺织品,而英国再以同样的方式从美国进口烟草。 1.2 Classifying English long sentences: 并列句: Some people think modern economies can just close the gates, but the movement of capital and ideas knows no borders. 有些人认为现代经济就是关起门来自我经营,但资本的流动和观念的传播是无国界的。 Some invest only in government bonds; others are slightly riskier, going into corporate borrowings. 有些只是投资于国债,另一些则冒更大的风险去购买公司债券。 复合句 1.名词性从句: (1)主语从句: It is a good thing that they have reached an agreement on the st


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