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悄悄的我走了, Very quietly I take my leave 正如我悄悄的来; As quietly as I came here; 我挥一挥衣袖, Gently I flick my sleeves 不带走一片云彩。 Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away urban vacation athlete planet alcohol agricultre 猜英文单词 本部分答对一题15分,不答或答错不给分。 car The word has three letters. If you go out,you can see it everywhere. Maybe it was not so popular 20 years ago,but now many families have one at least. But tragically many people lost their lives because of it. sad The word also has three letters. It is a kind of your emotion . If you have this emotion ,you don not want to eat ,drink ...you think you meet a catastrophe If you bereave your friends you will feel that sleep It has five letters. It belong to a kind of action. When you are lazy,or feel tired,you would want do nothing except this. you,after,will feel releax. home the Word has four letters,if you are work or study in other place you Will Miss it.if you are in it ,so you will sleep and eat in it. IT is very important to anyone.can you guess what it is? banana a kind of fruit. they usually grow up in tropical area. they are very tall. the leaves are thin and long. dinosaur a kind of animal. they are as bigger as elephant. very cruel. some are herbivores, some are carnivores. calendar It has 8 letters. You can arrange your work or your study by using it. Through it you can also know whats the date taday. crossroads It is a junction where one street or road crosses another. There are some traffic lights in that place. study you dont know what it is when you are kind.you think it important when you are young.you think it is company when you are old.the world is five letters cabinet This word is a noun. The first meaning: Maybe it is often used by business men . It can carry loose papers,drawings or maps together. the second meaning: It is a position in a government department.If someone is in this position,he is also a leader. 英文诗歌 To?see?a?world?in?a?grain?of?sand,?? 一粒沙里阅世界 And?a?heaven?in?a


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