英语综合教程第二册Unit 8 Child Labour Rooted in Africa’s Poverty.ppt

英语综合教程第二册Unit 8 Child Labour Rooted in Africa’s Poverty.ppt

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英语综合教程第二册Unit 8 Child Labour Rooted in Africa’s Poverty

Poverty, “a major and ever-present causal factor,” which greatly limits vocational and economic opportunities in rural areas in particular and pushes families to use all available means to increase their meagre incomes. Meaning: Poverty always remains the chief cause that triggers the problem of child labour and surprisingly deprives the children of many on-the-job training opportunities or reduces job accesses, specifically in rural areas, and drives families to take whatever job within reach to make their small income grow. * causal (adj.): [formal] connected with the relationship between two things, where one causes the other to happen e.g. We can easily see the causal relationship between advancement of technology and improvement of life. 以前的研究人员难以在考试成绩和学习时间之间建立一种因果关系。 Previous researchers have struggled to establish a causal link between exam results and time spent studying. * vocational (adj.): connected with the skills, knowledge, etc. that people need to have in order to do a particular job e.g. One striking feature with German educational system is its vocational education. 职业技术类课程通常能够获得比艺术或哲学类课程更多的重视和资助。 Vocational courses are often given more respect and funding than arts or philosophy. * avail of (phr.): to give oneself the use or advantage of (sth.) e.g. English learners should avail themselves of every chance to improve their spoken English. 我们借此机会向你们表示衷心的感谢。 We avail ourselves of this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to you. * meagre (adj.): small in quantity and poor in quality Many people just don’t understand why the billionaire has a meagre dinner every day. 银行职员对只加薪3.1%已心生怒火。 The bank’s staff were already angered by a meagre 3.1% pay rise. 在经济发展的初期,人们砍伐森林仅能获得微薄的收益。 In the early stages of development people destroyed forests for a meagre living. * In order to help their children search for the opportunities for education, parents willingly move them from the protective envelope of the


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