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第一周作业 1. He didn’t ________ enough time for his central work, so he hurried through it at the last moment, its quality being unsure. A. draw B. pass C. decide D. budget 【参考答案】:D 2. Tom helped to clean my house for an hour as my friend, but just imagine he should ________ 500 dollars for it . A. recover B. charge C. withdraw D. discharge 【参考答案】:B 3. Angry and clamorous, the woman ________ her way through the crowd to catch the last bus, wishing to arrive home in time for the New Year’s Eve. A. elbowed B. handed C. backed D. headed 【参考答案】:A 4. A man living alone for long may have no bosom friend, for the latter can not be made without frequent sincere ________. A. reaction B. response C. interaction D. interruption 【参考答案】:C 5. According to the ________ in my college, every time some colleague is rewarded with the fat prize money, he or she is willing to invite other ones to dinner. A. conversation B. convention C. contract D. conclusion 【参考答案】:B 6. She criticized me for loving ________ , but I refuted her flatly, “ It doesn’t mean I don’t love my job, nor that I am lazy!” A. happiness B. service C. scenery D. leisure 【参考答案】:D 7. She is fond of ________ the domestic situation, and it ought to have been fine. But to my surprise she should be disinterested in news reports. A. assessing B. deciding C. improving D. correcting 【参考答案】:A 8. If you insist on ________ into the economic case, you will risk offending your father-in-law, for he is chief-in-charge of this department. A. intruding B. entering C. combining D. probing 【参考答案】:D 9. The married couple have worked hard many years in their private retail shop. ________ they have earned a large amount of money. A. Particularly B. Rationally C. Consequently D. Repeatedly 【参考答案】:C 10. We are both clever enough to fulfill the task; we don’t lack


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