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1.bound for;its phrases ;its family members ;its sentences;then , bound for;the near synonym;2.comb through first let`s see comb;the near synonyms;sentences:;The sentences:;perceive;同根词;比较Perceived perception perceptible perceivable ;③ Perceptible 可察觉的;可感知的;看得见的 capable of being perceived by the mind or senses;近义词; ⑵ perceive sb./sth as.sth.视为,当做 ;exeicase;range;(v) 变化 range (in size /length/price) from A to B range between A and B 在一定的范围内变化、变动;同根词;词组;at close range 接近地 at long [short] range 在远(近)距离 range short (炮弹等)中途落下 go over the range [美]死 home range 动物的活动范围 ;1. To no longer take part in or be part of something 不再参加;退出;脱离 eg: He has dropped out of active politics. 他已不再积极参政了。 The rest of you can stay in or drop out , just as you wish. 你们其余的人可以参加,可以退出,随你们便 ;2. to leave school or an educational program 退学;辍学 (=withdraw from , back out) eg: David was to drop out of school. Im trying to talk him out of it. 大卫想退学,我会劝他不要这样做的。 My dad and I had a strongly worded argument when I told him I wanted to drop out of school. 我告诉爸爸我想辍学时我们大吵了一架.;3. (因不满世俗社会的道德标准和准则而)退出世俗(或习俗)社会,逃避现实,隐退 Eg: They are dropping out and trying to find new ways of living. 他们在逃避社会现实并试图找到新的生活方式。 ;4. 掉下,掉落,掉出,落出: eg: One of her decayed teeth had dropped out. 她的一颗蛀牙掉了。 As he picked up the purse , the money dropped out. 他捡钱包时,钱掉了出来。 ;5. (尤指词语等)过时,不再使用: eg: This word has virtually dropped out of usage today. 这个词实际上现在已不再使用了。 to be dropped out of use after a temporary vogue 时兴一阵之后便废弃不用。 ;1.中学辍学的青少年难找工作。 Teenagers who drop out of high school have trouble finding jobs. 2.他的腿伤了,不得不退出比赛。 He had injured his leg and had to drop out of the race. 3.他们看见一样东西从他口袋里掉了出来。 They saw something drop out of his pocket. ;drop down 落下;顺着向下移动 drop in on sb 拜访某人;顺路拜访某人 drop it off 把它放到... drop out 退出;退学;脱离 drop to/towar


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