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英 语 语 法 English Grammar by Prof. Liu Limin (刘利民) Ph.D. Tel. : / Email: LLMCC@ Warming up: What kind of language is English? Let’s begin from the family of English. Language Families of the World Indo-European Sino-Tibetan Afro-Asian …... (印欧语系) (汉藏语系) (非亚语系) The English language belongs to the Indo-European Language Family Subfamilies within Indo-European Family Indo-Eurpoean Language Family Germanic Romance Slavic Indo-Iranian ….. 日耳曼语族 拉丁语族 斯拉夫语族 印度伊朗语族 The English language belongs to the Germanic Language Subfamily. Within the Germanic subfamilies: English is a Low German (低地德语) of the western Germanic (西日耳曼语支) languages. On what basis do we classify languages? The structure. Review last week’s ideas: Analytical languages (分析式语言) e.g. English vs. Synthetic languages (综合式语言) e.g. Russian Further classifications: Both Chinese and English are analytical languages. But: Chinese: stem-isolated (词根孤立语) [ RRR ]; English: inflectional (屈折语) [ xRy ]. Chinese: meaning-centered; (parataxis 意合语言) English: form-centered. (hypotaxis 形合语言) In English, therefore, the syntactic forms are of great importance. The English language has the fewest grammar rules among all western languages, but is notorious for having so many exceptions. How did it come to be what it is? Father of English: German (the core structure) Mother of English: French (the vocabulary) Ich bin Student und Ich lerne Englisch in der Schule. Je suis étudient et j’apprend langlaire dans lécole. Die Entwicklung des Wissenschafts ist schnell, besonders die Auskunftswissenschaft. Le développement des sciences est rapide, particulierment le science dinformation. Can you possibly make out the meaning of these German and French sentences? Before 449AD: Celtic (凯尔特人)under Roman influence o


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