英语:Unit 4 Wildlife protection.ppt

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英语:Unit 4 Wildlife protection

How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife stop man from killing them. build the protection zone. pay more attention to their habitat. Discussion in Groups As we know, pandas are one of the rare animals in the world. It is estimated(估计) that as few as 1,600 pandas remain in the wild today.WWF is trying its best to save them. Imagine that you were a panda and you had a chance to talk to human beings. What would you say to human beings? Homework Read the passage . Newspaper: close test, reading AB. * welcome to the wildlife world Panda 熊猫 Golden Monkey 金丝猴 Tibetan Antelope 藏羚羊 South China Tiger 华南虎 Milu Deer 糜鹿 Koala Bear 树袋熊 Blue Whale 蓝鲸 Zebra斑马 Lion 狮子 Crocodile 鳄鱼 Rhino 犀牛 Elephant 大象 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection bone tiger fur ivory meat turtle shell Reading Fast reading for general ideas 1. Who took her there? 2. Where did Daisy go? 3. What kind of animal did she meet in each place? A flying carpet. place animal Tibet Zimbabwe Rainforest an antelope an elephant a monkey Para.1 part Para.2 Para.3-4 Detailed reading Part 1 animal Tibetan antelope feeling sad why They are being killed for the wool beneath there stomachs Their fur is being used to make sweaters for people. result They’re now an endangered species. main idea W___ we need wildlife protection. hy Part 2 animal An elephant in Zimbabwe situation in the past why With the help of the government, farmers earns money from the tourism…tourists… main idea A good ________ of wildlife protection. now An endangered species Both farmers and tourists hunt them. Numbers are increasing why example Part 3 animal A monkey What is it doing? Rubbing itself with a millipede insect why A powerful drug which can protect it from mosquitoes result Pay more attention to the rainforest. No rainforest, no animals, no drugs. Main idea _____ we can get from wildlife protection. What plan Tell WWF to produce this new drug. We should What ways of wildlife protection can we l


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