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A brief introduction of Shakespeares early romantic comedies 苗某某等 main points: background knowledge works characteristics Background ①the society at that time: Elizabeth Ⅰbecame the Queen in 1559. After less than 50 years development, in the late 90s, when Shakespeare begun his writting, the country was already a kindom: the economy develops fast,by the sea war establishes its head position,the sea explore flourishes,and it became the leader of the capitalistic world. This provided a peaceful political background of art and artists development,including Shakespeare. ? the atmosphere The Quene is fond of plays deeply. She herself is a poet and translator. Its her that made it a popularity and fame. This inspires more and more to take up their pens to please the Queen. There is no doubt that if you are favoured by the Queen,you neednt to worry about fame and money to live. For Shakespeare at that time, maybe can called chance. ③himself Working as an actor in the leading theatre,he was enlightened to try on his own hands. Influenced by the prosporous kindom,his basic mood of creation is optimistic. ④the literary trend The15th and 16th is Renaissance period,a revival of intrest in learning the classical Grece and Rome. So,translating and revising are not rare.Shakespeare is one of them. We can see this point in his early works we are going to deal with. Works The Comedy of Errors 错误的喜剧 Loves Labors Lost 爱的徒劳 The Two Gentlemen of Verna 维洛那二绅士 The Comedy of Errors 错误的喜剧 the first and shortest comedy, five-act, only 1778 lines,created between 1589 to1593,although it was not printed until 1623. was based on Menaechmi (孪生兄弟)by Plautus,a Roman playwright. Shakespeare made it complicated by creating not only the twin brothers but also twin servants. content: Syracusa Ephesus (西拉鸠斯) (哀非索斯) Evaluation: First of all,its an imitate comedy. Shakespeare add the moving part of the father



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