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Chapter Four Verbal Communication 布朗先生先生是位忠实可靠的人。有天他看上去脸色发青。近来他一直闷闷不乐。我见到他时,他正凝神思考。我希望他能很快恢复健康。 Part Two Sociopragmatic failures Sociopragmatic failures occurs (1) when the interactants fail to observe the other’s social and cultural customs; (2) Because of the influence of one’s native culture in intercultural communication; (3) When non-native speakers produce socially improper behavior or fail to choose the proper language because of lacking the knowledge of cultural differences. Movie clip from Notting Hill Brownie Guru Puberty Scandal Guinea-fowl The spitting image of Sociopragmatic failures can be categorized as: forms of address, invitations, greetings and saying goodbye, presenting and receiving gifts, compliments, family relationships and child-raising, friendship, taboos, and euphemisms. Case 1 Hello, Granny! Linda Walker is an American teacher in her fifties who has just arrived in China and has asked her new colleagues to call her Linda. She has been invited for dinner to the home of her young Chinese colleague, Xu, who is also an English teacher. When Linda arrives, she is introduced to Xu’s five-year-old daughter. “Hello, granny,” says the little girl in English. “No, not granny,” the mother hurriedly corrects. “This is Linda.” “ But why? She’s so much older than you! How can you be so impolite!” The little girl is puzzled and protests in Chinese. Fortunately, Linda does not understand Chinese, though she can sense something is wrong from the little girl’s reaction. Case 2 Thank you! I will try! A Chinese researcher, visiting America, was invited by his supervisor to dinner at home. He kept saying “Thank you,” adding all the time “I will try to come.” This irritated the American supervisor who wanted a simple “yes” or “no.” He had no idea whether the Chinese had accepted his invitation or not. Case 3 Nice meeting you The conversation was between Gao Tiantian, a Chinese high school female teacher of English, and Sunny, a female visitor from America


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