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PINK Pink is a variation of red,we can regard it as a special case of red。 In traditional Chinese culture,pink is also named “red peach blossom”。A poet in Tang dynasty,CuiHu ,wrote “rose cheeks and pink peach blossoms shine upon each other”(人面桃花相映红)。He compare women with peach blossom because that women use pink rouge to adorn themselves,it make their skin white inside deeply red and their cheeks are in contrast with peach blossoms。 Pink can be used to symbolize female。For example ,Bai Juyi wrote in his“Song of an everlasting regret”(长恨歌):“When she smiled she was an extremely charming female, by comparison, all other bower maids became pale. ”(回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色)Young men often assimilate beloved women as “confidante”。(红颜知己)Pink also means lovely,girls like pink clothes ,bags and other things。 People usually called improper physical relationship as “peach-colored affair”。 In the west,pink symbolize essence and perfection。For instance:the pink of perfection 十全十美的东西或人;the pink of politeness 十分彬彬有礼;It also symbolize the upper ten:pink lady 高格调鸡尾酒;pink tea 上流社交活动;apink-collar worker高层次女秘书。 In English, green is connected with “lack experiences”, “envy”and “young and vigorous”,but in Chinese, the color means “fresh” and “health” E.g. a green hand 生手,易上当受骗的人 green goods 新鲜货 a green man 新来水手 a green old age 老当益壮 We , Chinese youth, should remain forever green like the pine trees. 我们中国青年要始终象松树一样,四季常青,朝气蓬勃。 She was scared green. 她吓得脸色苍白。 She is green with envy because my sister has won the prize. 我姐姐得了奖她非常嫉妒。 Green CONCLUSION Color China the West Red Joy, festive, occasions, luck Danger, anger, stop White Mourning, humility Purity, virtue Yellow Honor, royalty Caution, cowardice Blue Strength, power, immortality Masculinity, calm, authority Black Evil Death, evil Green Youth, growth safe, sour, go The End Thank you! White White is advocating color in western culture. ●Pure (1)a white soul (2)white wedding ●Upright, honest (1)a white spirit正直的精神 (2)


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