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2012年 甄雯晖 谢谢聆听! 本PPT来源于网络渠道,感谢作者的辛勤劳动,如作者不喜可私信本人删除! * * Unit4 The Cashier Text 1 Dialogue 1 2 Dialogue 2 3 Word list 4 Useful terms and expressions 5 Notes 6 Exercises 7 * Unit4 The Cashier The history of money 1 钱 的 历 史 * The history of money ※Today people accept money in exchange for goods and service. People use money to buy things they need or want . When they work , they usually get paid in money. 今天,人们用钱来交换货物,获得服务。人们用钱购买所需要的各种东西。人们的工作,也会得到金钱的报酬。 * The history of money ※ Most of the money today is made of metal or paper .But people used to use all kinds of things as money. One of the first kinds of money was shell. 今天 的货币大多数是用金属或纸制成的。但是,人们曾经用各种东西来充作货币。最早的货币之一就是贝壳。 * The history of money ※Shells were not the only thing used as money . In the Philippine islands , rice was used as money for a long time . Elephant tusks ,monkey tails , and salt were used as money in parts of Africa . Some animals , such as cattle , were used as money , too. 曾充作货币的不仅仅是贝壳。在菲律宾,大米曾长期充作货币。而象牙、猴子尾巴、食盐则在非洲的一些地区被充作货币。有些动物如牛羊群也曾被当作货币。 * The history of money ※ The first metal coin were made in China . They were made in the Shang Dyhasty , in the shape of shell . Later the metal coins became round and had a square hole in the center . People strung them together and carried them from place to place. 第一枚金属货币诞生于中国,始铸于前朝,形如贝壳。后来金属硬币演变成当中开着方孔的圆形钱币。人们把这种钱币用绳串起来,带着它们东奔西走。 * The history of money Different countries have used different metals and designs for their money . The first coins in England were made of tin . Sweden and Russia used copper to made their money. Later, countries began to make coins of gold and silver. 各国也用不同的金属制造形状各异的本国货。英国最早的硬币是用锡做的。瑞典和俄国则用铜制币。后来,各国开始用金银来制作货币。 * Housekeeping department ----the backbone of a hotel ※But even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive. Again the Chinese thought of a way to improve more like a note from one person to another than the paper money used today. 但是,当你要购买贵重货物时,连金币银币也不够方便。于是


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