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Fast reading What happened to Kaz and her family? What does the title mean? Who should be blame for all these things? Migrate, emigrate, immigrate Migrate: 用于人和动物,有时含有缺乏永久的居住地之意。尤其指出于季节性或定期迁移这两个原因。 Emigrate: 意味着永久性的迁移,一般指越过政治意义上的疆界。与离开有关。 eg: After the Nazis came to power in Germany, many scientists emigrated. Immigrate: 指的是与达到目的有关的移动。 eg: The promise of prosperity in the United States encouraged many people to immigrate. 词性转换 His ___ of possibilities enlarged, and he felt for and replaced the candle in its candlestick. (perceive) His idea on this subject are a bit ___. (fog) It is ___ to have short hair nowadays. (fashion) No news could be more ___ to me. (delight) ___ of the body to strong sunlight can be harmful. (exposed) There is a degree of ___ between the two boys. (resemble) 7. After much ___ they decided to accept our offer. (discuss) 8. All kinds of sports have become much more ___ in recent years. (commercial) 9. Henry felt down onto the ground so heavily that he sunk into ___ at once. (conscious) 10. The disease was one of the ___ aftershocks of the bomb; the scientists in Los Alamos were surprised by its extent. (fright) 汉译英 屋子里挤满了新闻记者和摄影记者,等待重要新闻。 我原来一直盼望着能收到她送的礼物,所以因得不到而失望。 全天上班的父母为了弥补没有和孩子呆在一起的时间,就给他们买过多的玩具。 节日里我不打算离开,一方面是我妹妹要来上海,另一方面,我得完成手头上的工作。 为了使公司度过难关,这家人决定出售他们几个世纪以来一直珍藏着的部分名画。 paraphrase The plane did not frighten Kaz. For one thing, Hiroshima had gone almost untouched by the air war. Hiroshima had never been occupied by any forces fighting Japan. Very seldom had Hiroshima been bombed so far during the war. Almost no fighting had ever occurred in and around Hiroshima. Hiroshima was the only city where peace was maintained in the war. 2. She (Kaz.) even felt a kind of distant kinship with the B-29s that flew regularly overhead, bound north for Tokyo and other targets. She somewhat treated these planes as distant relatives. She thougt she was distantly connected with these planes. To a certain degree, she felt close to these planes. In a way, she


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