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Step2: Revision /smɑ:t/ /ei:z/ /a?tfit/ /plei/ /b??θ/ [el?g(?)nt] [?nt(?)r?st??] /k?l?f(?)l] [?nju????l] Make sentences. e.g. smart She is a smart girl. 3. Read the text together. Robert: Look! These are our outfits for the school play. Karen: Oh, very smart! Look William! William: Yes, you’re both very elegant. Lucy and Robert: Thank you, Dad. William: That’s an interesting tie, Robert. Robert: Um, yes, thanks, Dad. William: It’s very colourful. Very unusual. Robert: Yes ,um, it’s my favourite tie. Karen: Those are funny shoes, Robert. Are they a bit big for you? Robert: These shoes? No, Mum. They’re all right. They’re right for the part. Paul: Where are my new shoes? They aren’t in my bedroom. Karen and William: Oh, Robert! Paul: Hey, Robert! That’s my tie! Those are my new shoes! And those are my socks, too! 4. Translate the key sentences. ⑴这些是我们在学校演出时要穿的服装。 These are our outfits for the school play. ⑵你们都很优雅。 You are both very elegant. ⑶那是条有趣的领带。 Thats an interesting tie. 4. Translate the key sentences. ⑷那双鞋子有点儿怪。 Those are funny shoes. ⑸你穿是不是有点儿大。 Are they a bit big for you? ⑹对于角色来说正合适。 Theyre right for the part. Step 3 . Pattern practice. 1. Dictate the numbers 81 to 90. 2. Read the key words of each picture. 3. Look at the example, and do the same. Step 4. Written exercises. 1. Do exercises of P85. 2. Explain. Meaningful drill. Step1: Warm up An apple a day keeps the doctor away An apple a day keeps the doctor away An apple a day keeps the doctor away An apple a day keeps the doctor away A—P—P—L—E, apple! smart these outfit play both elegant interesting colourful unusual Let’s review smart 神气的 interesting 有趣的 these 这些 tie 领带,领结 outfit 服装 um... 呃 play 戏剧,演出 colourful 颜色鲜艳的 both 都 unusual 独特的 elegant 优雅的 shoe 鞋 all right 合适的


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