霍华德庄园 联结主题 Howard ends:Only connect.ppt

霍华德庄园 联结主题 Howard ends:Only connect.ppt

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霍华德庄园 联结主题 Howard ends:Only connect

“Only connect” Howards end When you open… Connect what? Why connect? How connect? Background Industrial Revolution Conflicts: ‘the collapse of civilization, so realistic for us, sounded in his ears like a distant and harmounious cataract, plunging from Alpine snows into the eternal bosom of the Lake of Geneva.’ Origins Bloomsbury Group The Bloomsbury Group or Bloomsbury Set was a group of writers, intellectuals, philosophers and artists who held informal discussions in Bloomsbury throughout the 20th century. Their work deeply influenced literature, aesthetics, criticism, and economics as well as modern attitudes towards feminism, pacifism, and sexuality. Forster spent his last years in King’s College and was given Queen Elizabeth’s Order of Merit in 1969 G.E. Moore 摩尔是英国20世纪初期第一个重要的思想家,分析哲学的创始人之一。在1903年出版的《伦理学原理》中,摩尔强调在新世纪应重新考虑什么是“善”,和建立新的人的行为准则。摩尔的道德哲学支持人类存在的多样性,尤其强调人际交往的质量,用格兰斯登的话说就是“对艺术美的研究和人际关系的建立是生活中最重要的事情。” 《伦理学原理》出版时福斯特刚刚离开剑桥,但是毫无疑问,这部作品对福斯特产生了深远影响。从他的作品中我们也可以看到福斯特一直致力于良好人际关系的建立和改善。 The meaning of ”only connect“ Howards End is the most ambitious work of Foster, also the most controversial book. in 70,80 yearsof 19th Century ,The rapid development of industrial production,highly concentrated capital,Britain first entered the stage of imperialism in other countries.Growing up in the 19th century,Foster proposed the idea of ??only connect,hope to improve the material and cultural civilization.By which to solve industrial civilization brought about with the discord,Foster, as a knowledge of the cultural elite, use the only connect toreflect the social ideas of humanism. 施莱格尔家族:传统的贵族阶级 威尔考克斯家族:新兴有产阶级 巴斯特家族:无产阶级 在福斯特小说中处于一个阶级矛盾色彩很浓的冲突中心。在其中, 亨利 威尔科克斯先生处于中产阶级的顶端, 巴斯特处于中产阶级的底层, 施莱格尔姐妹居中。三家人的对立, 象征了中产阶级内部物质主义与理想主义、 保守传统与自由倾向之间的对立。福斯特试图将这三者的矛盾冲突表现为英国阶级冲突的缩影, 而冲突的深层原因就在于物质创造和精神生活的绝对分离。 “一本有关英国命运的小说” Conflicts settled? recommendation 伍尔芙《达洛维夫人 》 Thank you~ * only connect 在工业化和城市化的过程中,各个社会阶层、城市和农村、传统和现代之间的矛盾渐渐显现出来。(担忧) Tonbridge school—— British public schoo


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