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雷楚年入狱记 雷楚年,男,汶川地震中师磁峰中学“第一批救援队员”。在7名同学脱险之后,他迅速“隐身”志愿者的队列,并四处奔波找到班上所有老师和同学,是汶川抗震的“小英雄”,入选“感动中国”人物。 2014年6月23日,雷楚年涉诈骗被抓获。 2014年6月23日,汶川抗震时勇救7名同学的“小英雄”雷楚年涉诈骗被抓获。据悉,雷楚年被成都一所重点高中免试录取,却经常逃课打牌,月花销万元以上。由于“名声在外”,雷楚军吹嘘有“关系”,以帮人当空姐、进重点中学、买驾照等为名诈骗包括女友在内的21人共46万元。 检方指控,雷楚年以非法占有为目的,虚构事实,诈骗多名被害人财产,数额巨大,其行为已经构成诈骗罪,并且具有流窜作案的特别严重情节,应当判处10年以上有期徒刑,并处罚金或没收财产。同时,雷楚年还涉嫌伪造国家机关印章罪、伪造公司印章罪。雷楚年也因涉嫌这三重罪名,被起诉到法院。 吹嘘能帮女友当空姐诈骗10万 诈骗过程: 吹嘘能帮人买驾照 诈骗13.8万 张爱玲是一个专注于写作的作家,更希望通过出书赚钱来满足她有情调有品位的生活。当时时代瞬息万变,她也是希望能在稳定的时期内赶快成功,否则个人的名声很容易被时代的大浪所淹没。 很多小明星小天才,年纪轻轻就出名了,可是没几年你可能就忘了。过早显示的才能还没酝酿成型就曝光,很容易早夭。出人头地的契机要把握好。 He was once the mischievous, cherubic star of the hugely successful Home Alone movies.However, Macaulay Culkin, now 31, appeared dishevelled and emaciated as he greeted fans in New York on Wednesday.With his straggly goatee beard and messy hair, he looked gaunt as he sipped from an energy drink. Hes here all the time. He comes pretty often, a club employee told Americas People magazine. Tonight, something just came up and he couldnt make it.But his spokesperson insists there is no need for concern, saying in a statement: Macaulay Culkin is in perfectly good health. His appearance was a far cry from the cute youngster who shot to international fame playing cheeky Kevin McCallister in the 1990 family favourite. Culkin was once Hollywood’s biggest child star, commanding £4million a film by the time he starred in 1994’s Richie Rich. But the young actor soon hit troubled times and has weathered a number of personal tragedies, including the death of his sister Dakota in a car crash and of his half-sister Jennifer Adamson from a drug overdose. His career then came to a halt after he was embroiled in a messy financial dispute between his parents Christopher Culkin and Patricia Brentup. In 1998 a judge fired his father - who was his manager - and handed control of his vast personal fortune to an accountant until he turned 18. After a hiatus, he returned to films in 2000. However, none of his subsequent movie


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