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* BELL ill fine well hot cold hungry thirsty busy doctor Linda: Hello, Karen. How are you? Karen: I’m fine. But Robert isn’t very well. Linda: Oh, I’m sorry! What’s the matter with him? Karen: I’m not sure. He’s very hot. He isn’t well. Linda: Is he hungry? Karen: No, he isn’t hungry. Linda: Is he thirsty? Karen: Yes, he’s very thirsty. Linda: Poor Robert! I am sorry! Linda: What about the doctor? Karen: The doctor’s very busy. Linda: Yes, but Robert is ill. Karen: Perhaps not very ill. But you are right. Better safe than sorry! I’m fine= I’m well I’m not fine. = I’m not well. Not so good. Just so so. Not bad. How are you? What’s the matter with him? =What’s wrong with him? poor: 可怜的;贫穷的 一个可怜的人: a poor man Robert 很穷: Robert is very poor. What about…?= How about…? 医生呢?他很忙。 What about the doctor? The doctor’s very busy. Fill in the blanks h__ __ gry __ __ irsty p__ __ r h__ t c__ ld s__ re s__ rry f__ ne w__ll p__ __h__ps Put them into sentences the , matter, with , him, what’s (?) are, you, how (?) he, is, hungry (?) the, doctor , about, what (?) busy, is , very, the, doctor (.) sorry, than , better , safe (.) 7. Robert, is, very , not , well (.) 8. I’m, sure , not (.) 9. who, is , man, the, the, with, black, umbrella (?) 10. boy, the, on, the, bicycle , silver (.) 11. the , girl, is , who (?) 12. pencil, whose, is, this (?) Translation 你好吗? 我很好,但是Lucy不好。 他怎么了?(两种) 我不确定。他很热。 他饿吗?不,他不饿。 他渴吗?是的,他很渴。 医生呢?医生很忙。 可怜的Robert.我很遗憾。 有备无患。 / ? / put book look woman good foot / ??/ do you who ruler blue suit too food el__ __en t__el__e th__ __t__ __n f__ftee__ ei__h__een tw__ __t__ e v w v i r e e i n g t e n y twenty twenty-one twenty-two


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