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The course focuses on the following three areas: Multinational Risk: This area includes foreign exchange risk, foreign business risk, political and economic risks which are generally inherent in international business. The purpose of studying this aspect is to comprehend the financial impact of the overall international risks and to explore ways to manage them. Multinational Investment Analysis: This area covers the techniques of international project evaluation, assets pricing models, international portfolio and diversification effects. The class discussion will include issues addressing multinational investments and the factors that need to be accounted for in the financial evaluation. Multinational Financing: The subject matter that come under this area is the management of multinational business financing which includes sources of financing, cost of capital and capital structure strategies for multinational companies. 四、主要教学环节 Main teaching process 1、 Lecture:该课程的教学以多媒体课堂(Multi-media)讲授为主。 双语?(Bilingual), 特点(Charactiristics)? 2、 English paper report (英文论文报告):每大组阅读并翻译一篇有关天使投资的英文资料(老师提供),分大组学习讨论并介绍给全班同学,从10月12日起,每组用10分钟时间,介绍阅读的英文资料。 3、 Team presentation: 分组查找资料,每大组定一个行业。各大组10-11人左右,各组选出1-2人作为投资者。其它人再分3小组(3人一组),每小组在大组行业内选定一家企业(下周确定企业名单)。跟综分析其近三年财务报表,跟踪股价变化情况,查找公司近期的投融资动向,分析其发展前景。11月16号开始每组二十分钟汇报。 4、One Minute Self Introdution in English : 下周第二节课开始 5、Chapter Exercise: 每章课后思考题:Blades Inc. Case, Small Business Dilemma 6、Final Examination:全英文(判断题、单选题、简答题、计算题) 教材英文网站 Jeff Madura: /finance/madura/ifm11e/ifm11e.html Alan Shapiro: /ifm/ifm.htm Cheol S. Eun: /business/finance/er2e/ Finacial Training Center /training/ Journal of Finance /journal/ 教学安排 Time Schedule 第一篇 基础部分 第一章 国际金融管理概述 3课时 Introduction 第二章 企业财务报表分析 3课时 Financial Statement Analysis 第三章 外汇风险管理 6课时 Foreign Exchange Management 第四章 国际资本成本 3课时 International Cost of Capital 第二篇 实务部分 第五章 国际企业融资管理


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