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Pronunciation pink Polly pretty postman policeman happy gossip blue bicycle beautiful boy schoolboy neighbour husband Pattern Practice A: What nationality’s that student? Is he American? B: No, he isn’t. He’s English. A: Is that student English or American? B: He’s English. A: Is the student tall or short? B: He’s tall. A: Look at that student. Describe him. B: He’s a tall English student. /p/ /b/ Eric is short. Yaoming is tall. She is fat. She is thin. She is Chinese. She is a French actress. Fish, can you describe yourself? * * * Lesson 11 gossip over there tall pretty Where? from English American Washington here famous expensive beautiful handsome wait see London nationality [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?:] [?] [e?] [?] [??] [e?] [e?] [?] [e] [ju:] [?] [?] [?] [i:] [?] gossip n. 闲谈,说长道短 Gossip is good for you. Where is she from? She is from China. Where is she from? She is from Wuhan. Where is Emily? She is over there. Where is Jason? He is here. pretty beautiful handsome pretty 美丽可爱的,多用于小孩、妇女和较细小的东西,语气较弱。 beautiful 漂亮悦人的,表示 美丽 的最普通用词,语气最强,不用于男性。 handsome 仪表堂堂,美俊的,主要用于男性。 famous adj. 著名的 Einstein is a famous scientist in the world. The Great wall is a famous view spot in the world. expensive adj. 昂贵的 cheap adj. 便宜的 wait and see 走着瞧(常出现在英文电影中) 等着瞧(一般情景对话中) Just wait and see, I wont let you get away with that. 咱们走着瞧,我不会让你得逞的。 国名 国籍 首都 China Chinese Beijing France French Paris The USA (America) American Washington England English London Where are you from ? I am from ____________. Where is she from ? She is from ____________ China America What nationality are you ? I am ______________. What nationality is that girl ? She is _______________. Chinese French gossip pretty beautiful


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