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be dying to do used to do work out Line10 work V. The pills really work! figure n. 1.数字 the latest sales figures 2.人物 a public/ political figure 3.轮廓、人影 a tall figure in black 4.体型 a good/nice figure 5.图表、图形 be ashamed of recover contain include 包括,组成,侧重于组成的各个部分,只用于表示事物的一部分。 A football team includes 11 players. The book covers many topics, including how to cook. Is service __________in the bill? He found a wallet ________ $ 1,000. What caused the traffic accident? My pet dog has caused me a lot of trouble. What caused him to fall off his horse? damage V. =harm do harm to / be harmful for n. do/cause damage to damage / destroy 都含“破坏”、“毁坏”的意思。 damage “价值、用途降低或外表损坏等, 不一定全部破坏, 损坏了还可以修复”: e.g. The heavy rain damaged many houses. destroy 指“彻底毁坏以至不能或很难修复”: e.g.That town was destroyed in a big fire. be embarrassed about Enjoy some proverbs: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Health is better than wealth. Good medicine for health tastes bitter to the mouth. Health is not valued until sickness comes. 5. I am ______ (建议) to turn to the policeman for help. 6. The Great Wall ______ (吸引) many foreigners every year. 7. We can make our bodies strong by ________ (体操的) exercise. advised attracts gymnastic 1. We should take regular _______ and eat heathy food to keep fit. 2. We _____ awake all night in order to see the sunrise the next morning. 3. Have you _________ this maths problem yet? exercise stayed worked out III. Fill in the blanks with the right forms: stay, recover, exercise, contain, damage, work, follow , diet, work out? Exercise 3 4. The alarm clock didn’t _____ so I was late for school this morning. 5. This book ________ all the information you need. 6. The woman was surprised at the ________ of her stolen jewels. work contains recovery stay, recover, exercise, contain, damage, work, follow , diet, work out? 7. It rained on the day we arrived, but the _________ day wa



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