高二人教英语必修五 unit3 writing life in the future.ppt

高二人教英语必修五 unit3 writing life in the future.ppt

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高二人教英语必修五 unit3 writing life in the future

Good morning, boys and girls! Hello, everyone! Ladies and gentlemen, Para 2:这里的人平时坐传送机(conveyor)上下班,出行开飞艇(airship),利用传送机可以远程选择衣食等生活必需品 Para 3: 环境污染,导致房子需要供氧,外出需要防毒面具。 Unit 3 Life in the future Writing When we want to talk about something, we must know clearly about what the topic is. Then we should think over several aspects of this topic, especially the concept of the topic is too broad. Next, we can choose one or two aspects that we are more familiar with to organize our speech. While organizing our sentences, we should write down some key words first. And then we can use these key words to make up complete sentences. Strategies: 假如你是Daniel,你参加了美国国家宇航局(NASA)组织的一个探索未来的项目,你乘坐时光机(the time machine)来到了1000年以后的地球上,这里的人平时坐传送机(conveyor)上下班,出行开飞艇(airship),出门要带防毒面具(gas mask)。他们住在自动供氧的房子中,利用传送机可以远程选择衣食等生活必需品。就以上的内容写一篇演讲稿与大家分享,120词左右。可以适当增加细节。 Writing (1)确定体裁和格式 (2)确定主体时态 (3)确定中心人称 (4)确定写作要点 Examine the topic(审题) speech draft past and present tense the third person 自我介绍,参加的项目,科技的发展出现了很多交通方式,环境污染导致了缺氧,出门要带防毒面具。 (1)选好开头句 (2)安排好结构 (3)选择好句型 Outline(列刚) Para 1: 自我介绍,参加的项目 Para 2: 科技发展,新型交通运输工具出现 Para 3: 环境污染,导致房子需要供氧,外出需要防毒面具 Para 4:结束语 I’m Daniel. It’s very honorable and lucky for me to attend a future-exploring project organized by NASA to travel to the earth 1000 years later by time machine. I’m very glad to tell you how people live there. Para 1:我是Daniel,参加了美国国家宇航局组织的一个探索未来的项目,乘坐时光机来到了1000年以后的地球上 With the advance of science and technology, many new types of transportations have come to pass. Conveyors are the main tools for people. Airships are also available for people’s daily traveling. As for necessities, there’s no need for people to purchase them in the store. They can order these things through computers instead. Then things will be conveyed to their houses instantly. Nevertheless, people’s life are not always pleasant there. In view of the increasingly deteriorating environment, people have no choice but to live in a special house with oxygen suppl



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