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I was 16 when I began working at the whaling station. I was told the story 1____ every year the killers helped whalers catch huge whales. After I worked there, I witnessed it with 2____ own eyes many times. One afternoon, as I was sorting out my accommodation, I heard a loud noise coming 3 ____ the bay. that my from Then I experienced how the killers, especially Old Tom, helped the whalers lead the way to catch a whale. To begin with, I saw 4__ whale being attacked by Old Tom and six other killers, who were stopping the whale fleeing out to the sea. a Then the whalers aimed the harpoon 5__ the whale, then let it go and the harpoon hit the spot. Later, the whale’s body 6___________ (drag) swiftly by the killers down into the 7______ (deep) of the sea after it died. at was dragged depths 8________ the killers were fierce hunters, they never harmed or attacked people. On the contrary, they protected people. For example, one day, the sea was rough and 9_ was difficult to handle the boat. The waves were carrying James further away from us. James was terrified of 10_____________ (abandon) by us. Just then a shark appeared and it was Old Tom that saved James. Although it being abandoned 1. hear from you _______________ 2. picture the places _______________ 3. ask about _______________ 4. a muddy track _______________ 5. the school grounds _______________ 学校校园 收到你的来信 想象那些地方 询问有关……的情况 一条泥泞的小路 UNIT4 6. adapt to these conditions _____________ 7. One thing is for sure. _____________ 8. have no concept of doing sth _____________ 9. the other day ____________________ 10. come across ____________________ 适应这些状况 有一件事是可以肯定的 没有做某事的概念 不久前的一天(recently; 偶然遇见或发现 11. be relevant to these students ______________ 12. to be honest ______________ 13. make some difference to sb ______________ 14. get to know local people ______________ 15. a remote village ______________ 一个偏僻的村子 与这些学生相关 说实在的;老实说 对某人有影响/重要 渐渐认识当地人



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