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lead-in Can you name some jobs? Describe what sort of job you would(not) like to do and why. I want to be a _____, because it ____________________________. OR: I don’t want to be a _______, because it__________________________. 1. Where is the man standing? 2. What is he holding in his hands? 1.Where is La Paz? In Bolivia 2.Which road is the most dangerous there? The road which goes north from La Paz 3.Are there any rules of using it?Do people respect them? Yes. No. Few drivers respect them. 2)Read the last two paragraphs and choose the right answers 1.What is Timoteos job now? A.A policeman B.A lorry driver C.A volunteer who directs the traffic 2.How does Timoteo direct the traffic? A.He waves his hands. B.He waves a flag. C.He holds a large circular board in his hands,which is red on one side and green on the other. 3.What does Timoteo get for directing the traffic? A.A small amount of money from some drivers B.A mall salary from the local government C.No money at all 4.Why does he continue to do the job? A.He loves it. B.He feels he must do it. C.He isnt qualified to do anything else. 5.which of the following jobs did he not do according to the text? A.Diver B.Miner C.Policeman 6.What does the phrasetake…it for granted mean in the last sentence in Paragraph3? A.To think it necessary B.To be used to it and not to show thanks C.To be polite to him The Human _____ _____ Timoteo is a general man of 46 years old,who lives near a road at high_______in Bolivia. The road is in bad _______and traffic accidents happen every now and then. As a driver, Timoteo once had a close_________ with death. He realised that it was lucky to survive and felt it his _______to help others. Thus he _______up and stands on the bend to ________ the traffic, holding a large circular board in his hand, one side of it is red and the other is________. As a matter of fact, Timoteo becomes a human traffic ______


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