高二英语下 Unit 13集体备课教案 Designer.doc

高二英语下 Unit 13集体备课教案 Designer.doc

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高二英语下 Unit 13集体备课教案 Designer

高二英语下 Unit 13集体备课教案 Designer:曹军科 Teaching Plan for Unit 13 The water planet Teaching goals: 1. Talk about water and the ocean 2. Practice making suggestions and expressing opinions 3. Review Modal Verbs 4. Write an explanation paragraph Teaching Plan: (Six Periods) 1st period: Teaching new words and Warming-up 2nd-3rd period: Reading 4th period: Integrating Skills 5th period: Grammar 6th period: Exercises Period 1 Teaching new words Warming up Teaching Aims and Demands: 1. To get the Ss to understand the main properties of water by connecting them with some common phenomena and learning to explain the phenomena. 2. To enable them to be aware of the importance of water, making good use of water in a proper way and protecting water resources. Teaching Difficult Point: Talk about how to use water and protect it. Teaching Aids: Some water, some oil and a glass; blackboard and multimedia Teaching Procedures: Step1.Lead-in Ask the Ss some questions as follows T: Water is around us and inside us. We can’t go without water. Qs: Why is water so important to living things? Can you point out some of its properties or characteristics? Suggested vocabulary: Its colorless, tasteless, odorless and universal dissolvent. It feels wet; It exists in three forms: liquid, solid, gas, and is cycled through the water cycle; It can absorb a large amount of heat; It sticks together into beads or drops; Its part of every living organism on the planet; etc. Ask students the names of Oceans and Continents:The Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the India Ocean, the Arctic Ocean; Asia, Africa, Europe, the North America, the South America, Antarctica, Oceania Step2.Warming up Use the water, the oil and the glass to do three experiments. Learn more about water’s properties by doing some simple experiments and learn to describe an experiment. What property of water does each of the four experiments illustrate? What causes this phenomenon?


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