高级英语love is a fallacy.ppt

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高级英语love is a fallacy

; ;;;covet: long for with envy垂涎. e. g: it is a sin to covet. 贪得无厌是一种罪恶 She was, to be sure, a girl who excited the emotions but I was not one to let my heart rule my head. (Para.23) metonymy(转喻): the substitution of the name of an attribute for that of the thing meant. heart—feelings and emotions head—reason and good sense.. I do not let feelings or emotions get the upper hand of reason or good sense. I’m guided in my actions by reason and good sense and not by feelings and emotions. ;;in the futhering a lawyers career omission n.1.(~from sth.)删除 省略 免除 2.遗漏 忽略He was surprised by his wifes omission from the guest list. 他对于宾客名单上他夫人名字的遗漏感到吃惊。 omit v.~sth/sb.(from sth.) beautiful gracious gorgeous striking stunning; ?She was,not yet of pin-up proportion,but i felt sure that time would supply the lack.(25) pin-up : (American colloquialism) designating a girl whose sexual attractiveness makes her a subject for the kind of pictures often pinned up on wall.海报女郎 proportion 部分 份额 in proportion to / out of proportion to lack 1.n. ~ of sth. a lack of food. 2.vt.~sth supply the lack: supply what is wanting; She?was?not?as?beautiful?as?those?girls?in?posters?but?i?felt?sure?she?would?become?beautiful?enough?after ?some?time.(25) makings: the qualities needed for the development of; ; She had erectness of carriage , an ease of bearing ,a poise that clearly indicated the best of breeding.(26) erect (erectness n.) adj. (位置、姿势)直立的、笔直的、挺直的 carriage n.1.仪态 举止 2.车厢 3.四轮马车 Eg:Ill be sitting in the 3rd carriage from the front of the train. The carriage passed through the palace gate. bearing n.1.姿态,举止 2.~on sth. 关系,影响 Eg:Rugular exercise has a direct bearing on health. ;;?In fact , she veered in the opposite direction.(27) veer vi 1.(尤指车辆)突然变向,突然转向 2.(说话,行为,思想)改变 转变 Eg:The bus veered onto another road. His emotions veered beween fear and anger. Rhetorical devices: In fact , she veered in the opposite directio


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