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Unit13 Rainy days make me sad. Section A (3a---4) ;Listen to the music. What does the music make you feel? ;What does the music make you feel? ;What do the walls in the hospital make you feel? ;what do the lights make you feel? ; Learning Aims: 学习新词汇 “scientific, therefore, pink, hard, serve…”及餐馆科学。能使用 “make” 和 “How do you feel about…” 谈论不同事物对人情绪的影响。在生活中学会表达自己的感受. ;Look at P104, put the following into English orally, and then write them down without looking at the textbook. (1) 做饭___________ (2) 赚钱 _________ (3) 科学研究 ___________ (4)浅蓝色__________(5)硬座_________ (6)为许多人服务__________________ (7) 使人饥饿_______________________ (8)使顾客吃得更快___________________ (9)使人放松________________________ (10)使人想离开_____________________ (11)把墙漆成红色___________________ (12)加入清洁活动___________________ (13)交通堵塞_______________________ (14)濒危动物_______________________ (15)让你持续等___________________ (16)有点生气________________________ (17)你对污染感觉如何?____________________________________ ;A fast food restaurant;Read 3a find the general idea读取大意 The general idea of the article is about ____ . A. restaurant food B. restaurant science C. restaurant owners ;3a . Read silently and judge T(true) or F(false) 1.Restaurant owner not only have to know how to make food but also have to know how to make money. 2.The color red makes people happy. 3.Most fast food restaurants have red walls because it can make people relaxed. 4.Soft lighting makes both customers and food look good. 5.Loud noise and hard seats make people want to leave soon. 6.Small restaurants can’t serve many people every day.;What does the color red make most people feel ?; Get more information and fill in the chart.;Listen to the tape and read aloud. Try to retell the article according to the key words in the chart. ; Complete the following article without looking at 3a. Restaurants owners have to know how ____ _____ food.They also ___ _____ ____how to make


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