基于(TI)C6711 浮点DSP 的双音多频信号检测的实现The Detecting of.PDF

基于(TI)C6711 浮点DSP 的双音多频信号检测的实现The Detecting of.PDF

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基于(TI)C6711 浮点DSP 的双音多频信号检测的实现The Detecting of

24 4 Vol. 24 No.4 2004 12 Dec. 2004 M ATHE MATICAL T HEORY AND APPLICATIONS X ( ) 6711 TI C DSP ( 中南大学机电工程学院, 长沙, 410083) ( 中南大学信息科学与工程学院, 长沙, 410083) ( 布里斯托尔大学电子工程系, 英国, 布里斯托尔)  双音多频DT MF( Dual T one Mult i- Frequency) 信号是音频电 中的拔号信号, 将DTMF 信号的检 测集成到含有数字信号处理器( ) 的系统中, 是一项较有价值的实际课题. 本文给出在 公司浮点 DSP TI DSP 芯片C6 11 中的实现方案, 通过20 个并行的哥兹柔信号滤波器成成功地使双音多频信号检测变得准确、迅 速和简单.  双音多频( DTMF)  哥兹柔( Goertzel)  浮点DSP 滤波器 Bellcore 标准 ( ) 6711 The Detecting of the Signal DTMF Based on DSP TI C Li Yi Peng Weishao Bill Glover ( , , 4 10083) Central South U niversity changsha Abstract DT MF(the Dual Tone M ulti- Frequency) is the dialing signal most used in the new generation of telephone. It is a w orthy engineering applicat ion to gather DT MF detection to the Digital Signal Processor system. This report looks at the use of a T exas Instrumentsw C6 11 floating poing DSP to im plement Gorert- zel algorithms and DT MF detect ion. DTMF detection is performed using 20 parallel Goertzel filters, which makes the detecting accurately , quickly and simplely. Keywords DT MF(the Dual Tone M ulti- Frequency)  Goertzel Digital Signal Processor( DSP)  filt ers  Bellcore specification 1 DT M F , DSP , . .



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