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Unit 6 words and expressions 1. Numerous a. many许多的,大量的 A. 这个图书馆拥有大量的书,比我预想的要多的多。 The library has numerous books, more than I have ever expected. B. 地球只是宇宙中众多星球中的一个。 The Earth is only one of the numerous planets in the universe. 2. reliable adj.dependable/ trustworthy可靠的;可信的 A. 一个没有正义感的人是不可信的。 Man who is dead to the justice is not reliable. B.我之所以依靠他,是因为他很可靠。 Im reliant on him because he is reliable. rely reliant reliable reliability 3.contrast (1) n. 差异,差别 善与恶有明显的差别. There is a great contrast between good and evil. In/by contrast (with/to )对比 与昨天凛冽的寒风相比,今天可算相当暖和了。 相比之下,他要机灵得多. It seems quite warm today by contrast with yesterdays icy wind. By contrast, he was much cleverer. (2) V. 对比,对照 contrast with / to Black is a contrast to (with) white. 黑与白是对立的。 4.indicate vt.表明,显示; 调查结果表明差的住宿条件和身体不健康是相关联的。 The survey results seem to indicate a connection between poor housing conditions and bad health. 除非票上另有注明,否则可携带的行李为20公斤。 You are allowed 20kgs of baggage unless otherwise indicated on your ticket. Indicator 指示者,指示物 看年龄不能说明一个人的能力,因此我们必须考虑其他方面。 Age alone is a poor indicator of a person’s capability, so we must consider other aspects. Indication: give indication of/ there be+ indication that +Clause 5.Assess Vt. 评定,鉴定,估价,核定 她看了看房子并估算了其市场价 She looked at the house and assessed its market value. assess sth at sth估计价值为多少 他们估价这房子值六万英镑。 They assessed the value of the house at 60,000 pounds. n. assessment Assessment center 评估中心 assessor 估价员 6. Academic a. relating to education 学术的 传统的学术科目在学生中不太受欢迎。 The traditional academic disciplines are less popular among students. Academy The Royal Academy of Arts Academy Award 7. Undermine v逐渐削弱;暗中损害 这栋房子不安全,因为地基被洪水损坏了。 The house is unsafe since the foundations were undermined by floods. Under- Under-developed under-estimate Underdog underworld undervalue underpay 8. Interfere vi. Get into sth 干涉 我们不希望别国来干涉我们的内政。 It is our domestic affair, and we do not expect other country to interfere. Interfere wit


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