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摘 要 青少年自律意识教育是提高青少年自我约束意识的有效途径,提高青少年自律意识 不仅能够帮助青少年健康成长,亦能预防青少年犯罪,更是实现民族复兴“中国梦”的 有力保障。青少年的成长要和祖国发展、社会进步联系在一起,注重多元复合的知识积 累,注重将实践经验与理论升华的结合,实现自身价值。然而立足国情来看,学校、家 庭、社会等不良风气的影响导致青少年缺乏自律意识的现象尤为严重。针对这一现实问 题,本文遵循马克思主义理论做指导,思想政治教育学理论做依据,结合我国青少年缺 乏自律意识导致犯罪的案例,深层分析青少年缺乏自律意识存在的问题和原因,提出了 提高青少年自律意识教育的方法和途径,从丰富教育内容、活化教育载体、优化教育环 境角度出发,通过采用新媒体教育途径,提高青少年自律意识使他们能够增强辨别是非 和自我保护的能力。青少年承载着祖国的未来和民族的希望,提高青少年自律意识预防 犯罪对构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要意义。 关键词:青少年 自律意识 现状 原因 预防犯罪 ABSTRACT Youth self-care consciousness of self-discipline education is the effective way to improve the self protection and self constraint of consciousness, improve their self-protection awareness of self-discipline can not only help the healthy growth of teenagers, but also the prevention of juvenile crime, is a powerful guarantee to realize national rejuvenation "China dream". The growth of young people to the motherland and the development, social progress together, pay attention to multiple knowledge accumulation, pay attention to the practice of sublimation of experience and theory, to realize their own value. However, based on the national conditions, school, family, social and other undesirable practices cause adolescents lack of self-protection awareness of self-discipline of the phenomenon is particularly serious. In order to solve this problem, according to Marx's theory, on the basis of Ideological and political education theory, combined with China's young people lack of self-protection self-discipline consciousness leads to crime cases, in-depth analysis of teenagers lack self-care problems and reasons of self-discipline consciousness exists, proposes the methods and ways to improve youth self-care education self-discipline consciousness, from the rich the education content, educat


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