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Mother of 8 babies receives death threat 讨论 Why is the mother threatened for having more babies? The welfare system is meant to protect the weak and poor, which seems very righteous; but how can such problems occur? 本课需要掌握的词汇 Bulk Cohabit Delinquent Household Incentive Inculcate Intractable Penalize Predictor Predominant Sacrament Temper (v) Vessel Virtually Wedlock Welfare 本课需要掌握的词汇 Bulk 大小;体积;块儿 Cohabit 同居 Delinquent 失职的;罪犯 Household 家庭;家族 Incentive 动机 Inculcate 灌输;劝导 Intractable 难驾驭处理的 Penalize 处罚 Predictor 预报者 Predominant 卓越的;主要的;支配的 Sacrament 圣事 Temper (v) 调和;缓和 Vessel 容器;导管 Virtually 实质上 Wedlock 婚姻(状态) Welfare 福利 本课需要掌握的短语 By comparison Call up Phase out So as to Space sb. Apart 本课需要掌握的短语 By comparison 相比而言 Call up 使想起;使记起 Phase out 逐步撤除;一次一个阶段地结束 So as to 为了 Space sb. Apart 隔开 Structure Analysis Para 1-2: The traditional American family has lost its Predominant position. Para 3-5: Children from single parents or broken families suffer greatly negative influence. Para 6: More and more women choose to be working moms. Para 7-9: To nourish marriage, the reform for social security and welfare is necessary. Predominant as the social pattern for several hundred years, that American family has lost its place. (para 1) v/adj+ as: 虽然,尽管 1. Try as I might, I couldn’t persuade him. 2. Young as he is, he already knows what career he wants to follow. Paraphrase: Although the traditional American family with a man and wife and two or three children has prevailed for several hundred years, such a family pattern has lost the leading/chief position. And only about 20 percent of families fit into the traditional structure with father as the only breadwinner. (para 1) fit into: 适合,符合 Paraphrase: And (there are) only about 20 percent of families accord with (according with) the traditional pattern that father is the sole economic source /pocketbook of the whole family. Marriage, or the lack of it, is the best predictor of poverty, greater even than race and unempl


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