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目录 摘要: 2 关键词: 2 Abstract: 2 Keywords: 3 1.引言 3 1.1概论 3 1.2 特点 3 1.3 我国网络舆论现状 4 2.2012年十八大召开的总体分析 4 2.1 时间分布 4 2.2 地区分布 7 2.3 关涉主体 8 2.4 意见领袖 10 3.十八大召开的现实意义及其影响 12 3.1 政治意义 12 3.2 经济意义 12 3.3 文化意义 13 3.4 对民生和生态的意义 13 3.5 舆论影响 14 4.结语 15 参考文献 15 社交网站舆情分析---以“十八大召开”为例 摘要: 网络作为信息交流和知识共享的最好平台,成为社会舆情主要的载体,而互联网继报纸、电视、广播之后的“第四媒体”,快捷便利能互动,成为广大网民对社会大事,现象,问题情感表达评论的主要途径,这就形成了网络舆情。在网络舆情日益受到重视,相关研究日益升温的背景下本文以十八大会议的胜利召开为例,对十八大会议的舆情进行时间,区域,意见领袖,主题及其产生的社会影响和关涉主体采用网络舆情分析技术进行分析数据统计。 关键词: 十八大、网络舆情、网络舆情技术、意见领袖、关涉主体、资料统计 Analysis of Public Opinion Based on Social networking sites :Take 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China"as the subject Abstract: With the development of information and communication technology and the popularization of network, the best platform for information exchange and knowledge sharing, become a main carrier of social public opinion .The Internet ,after newspaper, TV, radio , having become The fourth media and has the advantages of quick and convenient interactive. It become the main way of commenting social issues, social phenomenon and social problems or expressing the emotion and opinion for the majority of Internet users . So Internet Public Opinion formed. In this article I will take “18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China ” as the subject . I would take network public opinion analysis technology to analyze the public opinion of 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The time, region, opinion leaders ,the theme,the Related subject and the impact of the victory held of 18th National Congress of CPC will be analyzed. Keywords: 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Internet public opinion, Analysis of network public opinion Technology, Opinion Leaders, Related subject, data statistics 1.引言 1.1概论 舆情是“舆论情况”的简称,是指在一定时期的一定社会空间内,围绕新闻事件、社会现象和社会问题所表达的信念、态度、意见和情绪的总和。网络舆情(Internet Public Opinion -IPO)特别强调两点:一是新闻事件、社会现象和社会问题主要通过互联网首发或传播,二是表达信念、态度、意见和情绪的公众主要是网民①。网络舆情的载体有多种,如;新闻网站、门户网站、博


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