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Binary-Input RS Encoder The Binary-Input RS Encoder block creates a Reed-Solomon code with message length K and codeword length N. You specify both N and K directly in the dialog box. The symbols for the code are binary sequences of length M, corresponding to elements of the Galois field GF(2M), where the first bit in each sequence is the most significant bit. Restrictions on M and N are given in the section Restrictions on the M and the Codeword Length N below. The difference N-K must be an even integer. The input and output are binary-valued signals that represent messages and codewords, respectively. The input must be a frame-based column vector whose length is an integer multiple of M*K. For more information on representing data for Reed-Solomon codes, see the section Integer Format (Reed-Solomon only). The default value of M is the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to log2(N+1), that is, ceil(log2(N+1)). If N is less than 2M-1, the block uses a shortened Reed-Solomon code. Each M*K input bits represent K integers between 0 and 2M-1. Similarly, each M*N output bits represent N integers between 0 and 2M-1. These integers in turn represent elements of the Galois field GF(2M). An (N,K) Reed-Solomon code can correct up to floor((N-K)/2) symbol errors (not bit errors) in each codeword. Specifying the Primitive Polynomial You can specify the primitive polynomial that defines the finite field GF(2M), corresponding to the integers that form messages and codewords. To do so, first select the box next to Specify primitive polynomial. Then, in the Primitive polynomial field, enter a binary row vector that represents a primitive polynomial over GF(2) of degree M, in descending order of powers. For example, to specify the polynomial ,enter the vector [1 0 1 1]. If you do not select the box next to Specify primitive polynomial, the block uses the default primitive polynomial of degree M = ceil(log2(N+1)). You can display the default polynomial by entering primpo


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