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confidence couple contain correct creative completely cooperation contribute cousin competition/contest cotton concert copy convenient cover cooker 请教,咨询;查阅 概念;观念 冲突 进行(实验);指挥(乐团);导(电) 道贺,道喜 组成;创作(乐曲、诗歌) 批评的,评论的;危急的;至关重要的 关于 承认,坦白 6 生物(动物或人) 不断的 抱怨;投诉 昂贵的;代价高的 连接;联系 (数量、程度)相当大的,可观的 危机 上下文,语境 证实,确认 征服,攻克;克服(困难),革除(坏习惯) 运送,传送;传递,传达(思想、感情、信息等) 不断的;经常的 (正式的)会议 (飞机)坠毁;(汽车)碰撞 比较 大陆,大洲 混淆,混乱;困惑,糊涂 消耗,消费;吃完,吃光 (车、船、飞机)全体工作人员 合同 使电脑化 下结论;结束 复杂的 含量;满足,满意;(~s)内容;目录 罪犯 be concerned about a sharp contrast get up courage take…into consideration/account continue doing/to do concentrate on If (it is) convenient (to/for you) under construction take a course in on condition that make a conclusion make contributions to congratulate sb. On get in contact with sb. have a bad cough=cough badly have/lack/lose the courage to do sth. complain to sb. About/that pay by credit card at the cost of be connected/concerned with cooperate (well) with commit a crime confuse A with B convince sb. Of/that be crazy about eye contact on the contrary a couple of as/so far as… be concerned be covered with cope with 尽情地 from cover to cover consider doing around/round the corner cool down in the course of the cost of living draw/reach/arrive at/come to a conclusion convenience food/store be in good/poor condition be considerate of sb 对某人体贴,为某人着想 contrary to consist of, be composed of at all costs=at any cost be conscious of/that in the country= in the countryside be confident of/that out of control=beyond control 1. He can concentrate on his books even if it is very noisy around him. 2. Taking part in physical exercise regularly contributes to one’s health. 3. He got in contact with us as soon as he arrived in Shanghai. 4. We are going to hold a party to congratulate Helen on winning the game. 5. I don’t need to buy a new car as my old one is still in good condition. 6. Seeing the mountains covered with snow, the children were wild with joy. 7. It’s wrong to consider the young today (as) totally good or


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