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临沂市行道树的调查及研究 张萍 临沂人民公园管理处 山东 临沂276000 摘要:城市园林是城市文化的表达,城市行道树好坏是反应城市绿化水平的一个窗口,如何 做好城市行道树的选择是当前各城市园林绿化工作中一个共性问题。临沂市近几年园林绿化 建设快速发展,城市行道树的景观效益、生态效益越来越受到人们的关注。本文通过调查立 足于现实,通过行道树种的调查研究,对临沂市行道树应用现状进行分析,提出坚持适地适 树,着力发展乡土树种,适当引进色叶树种、常绿阔叶树种的行道树选择原则,建议突出以 悬铃木、银杏、重阳木、栾树为主调树种,以女贞、榉树等乡土树种为骨干,适当引进马褂 木等色叶树种,进一步丰富道路绿化景观,改善城市生态环境,打造滨水临沂、生态临沂。 关键词:行道树 ;乡土树种 ;引进树种; 常绿树种 ;色叶树种 Abstract: City Garden is the expression of city culture, city street is a window level reaction of city greening, how to do a good job in city street tree selection is the current work of the city landscape in a common problem. Linyi City Landscaping Construction in recent years rapid development, landscape benefit, ecological benefit and city street trees and more attention. In this paper, based on the reality through investigation, through the investigation on the roadside, carries on the analysis to the application situation of roadside trees in Linyi City, made suitable trees, focus on the development of native tree species, the color leaf trees, evergreen broad-leaved trees selection principle, proposed the to sycamore, ginkgo, Bischofia javanica, Koelreuteria for the main tree species, in order to privet, beech and other native species as the backbone, the appropriate introduction of Ma Guamu color leaf trees, further enrich the road green landscape, to improve the citys ecological environment, build a waterfront Linyi, ecological Linyi. Keywords : trees; native tree species; introduced species; evergreen tree; color leaf trees 中图分类号:TU986.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1、前言 1.1研究背景 近几年随着临沂市城市建设步伐的不断加快和园林绿化事业的迅猛发展,城市行道树的 品种不断丰富。就目前临沂市部分行道树的现状来看,虽以乡土树种为主,但树种偏少,使 行道树绿化景观单调,仍存在着忽略生态性建设、观赏价值低、病虫害时有发生等问题。 1.2研究现状 调查发现目前临沂市区、南坊新区的行道树以法桐、香樟、国槐、大叶女贞、栾树、银 杏为主。由于本地无大型苗木生产基地,无论是香樟、广玉兰等近年来引进的树种,还是银 杏、国槐等乡土树种都是从外地或临近地区购来,长势一般。原有的“一条路,两排树”的 绿化格局已经不能满足老百姓的需求,大量的南方树种和乡土树种未经引种试验和驯化就被 运用到城市绿化中来,虽然带来了


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