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修回 11109 wangqiling2006@126.com 解脲脲原体感染史对供精人群精液质量影响的调查研究( 王奇玲 唐立新** 马春杰 蒋敏 唐运革 江芳 庄嘉明 朱胜辉 广东省计划生育专科医院 (广州,510600) 摘要 目的 探讨供精人群解脲脲原体(ureaplasma urealyticum,UU)感染史对精液质量的影响。方法 供精者精液取出后进行UU检测,按世界卫生组织推荐的方法和标准进行精液分析,资料分析采用非参数检验。结果 UU阳性组和阴性组供精者精液参数包括精液容积、精子密度、活动率及总精子数没有显著差别,但正常形态百分比则UU阴性组略高于阳性组(p=0.006);精液培养阳性组转阴前后供精者的精液质量没有显著变化。UU感染史对供精者精液质量及妊娠结局无显著影响。结论 供精人群UU感染史对精液质量的影响没有统计学意义,经治疗转阴后也不会明显改变精液的受孕能力。 关键词 解脲支原体感染 供精者 精液质量 The Influence Of Ureaplasma Urealyticum Infection On Semen Quality For Sperm Donors Wang Qiling Tang Lixin Ma Chunjie Jiang Min Tang Yunge Jiang Fang Zhuang Jiaming Zhu Shengli The family planning special hospital of Guangdong province (Guangzhou, 510600) Abstract Objective To explore the influence of UU infection on semen quality for sperm donors. Methods Semen samples were obtained from 506 donors. The samples were cultured for UU (ureaplasma urealyticum, UU) test and analyzed on a SCA instrument (sperm class analyzer, spain) according to the World Health Organization criteria. The data were analyzed by non-parametric tests. Results No significant differences were detected on the sperm parameters between the UU positive donors and negative donors. For the same donor, there were also no significant differences on the sperm parameters except the normal forms between the UU positive semen and negative semen. The percentage of normal forms was higher of the negative semen than the positive ones for the same donor (p=0.005). The UU infection has no relation to the semen quality and their pregnancy outcome for sperm donors. Conclusion The UU infection didn’t statistically affect the donor’s semen quality. Comparing with the semen of the donors without UU infection, there were no significant differences of the pregnant ability for the semen of donors with UU positive to negative. Key words Ureaplasma Urealyticum Infection donor semen quality 解脲脲原体(ureaplasma urealyticum,UU)是人类泌尿生殖道最常见的寄生生物病原体之一,在特定环境下可以致病。临床研究发现不育患者精


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