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《别让我走》的文学伦理学解读 杜明业 内容摘要:日裔英国作家石黑一雄的《别让我走》讲述了一群克隆人的生活经历和他们作 为人体器官捐献者的故事。本文以文学伦理学为研究视角,分析了克隆人的伦理身份、伦 理意识和伦理环境。凯茜等克隆人在寄宿学校时就面临着伦理身份的确认问题,渴望寻找 自己“可能的原型”。随着年龄的增长和伦理身份的逐渐明晰,他们的伦理意识日趋强烈, 其核心在于他们是“器官捐献者”还是“正常人”。通过对克隆人的伦理身份和伦理意识 的逐步揭示,石黑一雄展示了他们的心路历程、成长困惑和命运归宿,展现了他们的伦理 困境,折射出克隆技术所面临的伦理问题,也寄寓着对现代人类的生存意义的哲学思考。 关键词:石黑一雄 《别让我走》 伦理身份 伦理意识 伦理环境 作者简介:杜明业,淮北师范大学外国语学院副教授,主要从事比较文学与英美文学研 究。本文为国家社科基金重点项目“‘世界文学史新建构’的中国化阐释”【项目批号: 12AZD090】的阶段性成果。 Title: An Ethical Literary Analysis of Never Let Me Go Abstract: Never Let Me Go, a science fiction by Japanese-born British author Kazuo Ishiguro, is about a group of clones’ life experience and their sad story as donors. This paper aims to probe into the clones’ ethical identity, their ethical consciousness and their ethical situation from the perspective of Ethical Literary Criticism. As students in the boarding school, Kathy and other clones are faced with their ethical identity, and long to find out their “possibles”. With their growth and clearer awareness of ethical identity, their ethical consciousness is becoming stronger and stronger. The question is that they are “donors” or “normals”. By revealing the clones’ ethical identity and ethical consciousness, Kazuo Ishiguro discloses the clones’ pasychological journey, their confusion of growth, and their destiny. The author of the novel shows the clones’ ethical dilemma, reveals the ethical problems of cloning technology, and conveys the philosophical speculation on the significance of man’s existence. Key words: Kazuo Ishiguro Never Let Me Go ethical identity ethical consciousness ethical situation Author: Du Mingye is associate professor at the School of Foreign Studies, Huaibei Normal University(Huaibei 235000, China), specializing in comparative literature, and British and American literature. Email: dumingye69@126.com 杜明业:《别让我走》的文学伦理学解读 6 1938 年德国科学家首次提出克隆技术的设想。1952 年,科学家首先用青蛙开展克隆


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