unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark ( 3a)课件.ppt

unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark ( 3a)课件.ppt

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unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark ( 3a)课件

Knowledge is the food of the soul. -- Plato 知识是精神的食粮。 -- 柏拉图 Translate some phrases Revision 1.过去常常做某事 2.习惯做某事 3.被用来做某事 4.留卷发 5.第一次看见一些朋友 6.像 7.怕黑 8.在课堂上总是沉默 9.对……更感兴趣 10.做某事从来不够勇敢 11.加入一个游泳队 12.时常;有时 13.如此好的一个主意 14.小学同学们 15.改变这么多 16.在考试中取得好分数 1.used to do 2.be used to doing 3.be used to do 4.Have curly hair 5. See some friends for the first time 6.be like 7.be afraid of the dark 8.be always silent in class 9.be more interested in 10.be never brave enough to do 11.on a swim team 12.from time to time 13.such a great idea 14. primary school classmates 15.change so much 16.get good scores on one’ s exams Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark interview v. n.采访;面试 Asian adj. 亚洲人的;亚洲人 deal v. 对付;对待 deal – dealt – dealt deal with 应付;处理 shyness n.害羞;腼腆 dare v.敢于;胆敢 New words crowd n.人群;观众 ton n.吨; tons of pl . 大量;许多 private adj. 私人的;私密的 guard n. v.警卫;看守 background n.背景 require v.需要;要求 New words Exercises 1.There _____a crowd waiting for a bus at the bus stop. 2.There _____ large crowds of people in the streets on Christmas Eve. 3.Mo Yan writes all his books for ______________(人民大众). 4. ____________________________ (一堆报纸) 5 .Shoppers __________ the supermarket yesterday. 6.The bus is ___________ with passengers. n.(c)人群,一群人;大众;老百姓the;一群,一堆;v.挤满 is are the crowd a crowd of newspapers crowded crowded Read Read and answer the questions Who did the writer interview? What did the writer interview Candy for? 3.What did Candy use to be like? 4.How did she deal with her shyness? 5.After she got better, what did she dare to do? 6.What is she like now? Review Translate some phrases 十九岁的亚洲流行音乐明星 19-year-old Asian pop star 2. 开始从事 take up 处理;对付


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