柿子酒澄清方法的研究 - 食品科学.pdf

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柿子酒澄清方法的研究 - 食品科学

304 2007, Vol. 28, No. 10 食品科学 ※工艺技术 1 2 1,3 1, 1 1 罗爱香 ,陈义伦 ,刘玉环 ,高龙兰 *,阮榕生 ,林向阳 (1.生物质转化教育部工程研究中心,江西 南昌 330047; 2.山东农业大学食品科学与工程学院,山东 泰安 271018;3.南昌大学中德食品工程中心,江西 南昌 330047) :用明胶、皂土、壳聚糖对柿子酒进行澄清处理,结果表明:明胶、壳聚糖的澄清效果优于皂土,其 中明胶的澄清效果最佳,澄清后蛋白质、单宁含量有一定量的减少。明胶- 壳聚糖联用效果优于单一的澄清剂, 澄清后,酒体清亮透明,风味、色泽独特,稳定性强。 :明胶;壳聚糖;柿子酒;澄清 Study on Clarification of Persimmon Wine 1 2 1,3 1, 1 1 LUO Ai-xiang ,CHEN Yi-lun ,LIU Yu-huan ,GAO Long-lan *,RUAN Rong-sheng ,LIN Xiang-yang (1.Engineering Research Center of Biomass Conversion, Ministry of Education, Nanchang 330047, China; 2.College of Food Science and Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian 271018, China; 3.Sino-German Food Engineering Center, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330047, China) Abstract :Through the studies of the ways of gelatin, bentonite and chitosan on the clarification of persimmon wine, it was found that gelatin and chitosan had better clarifying effect than that of bentonite; gelatin had the best effect, after the clarifying, the content of protein and tannin had reduced in a certain extent. It was also found that the combination of the two clarificants had better effects than that of the single one. After the clarifying, the clarified wine was transparent and had the especial flavor stability. and colour, with a good Key words:gelatin;chitosan;persimmon wine;clarification 中图分类号:TS262.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-6630(2007)10-0304-05 柿子不仅含有大量的糖、V C 、胡萝卜素及多种


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