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第32卷第2期 矿  冶  工  程 Vol.32 №2 2012年04 月 MININGAND METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING April2012 石灰絮凝法去除矿坑废水中锰离子的研究① 1 2 1 1 程建国 ,林永树 ,阳华玲 ,李淮湘 (1.长沙矿冶研究院有限责任公司,湖南 长沙410012;2.福建省潘洛铁矿有限责任公司,福建 龙岩364405) 3 摘  要:采用石灰絮凝法对福建潘洛铁矿矿坑废水中Mn离子进行了去除试验研究。 石灰用量为150 g/ m ,阴离子PAM用量为 3 3 05 g/ m ,98%硫酸用量为20 g/ m ,处理后出水达到GB8978-1996一级排放标准。 通过对石灰沉淀除锰机理分析,锰从废水中沉 淀析出适宜的pH值应大于8.5,而要使处理后废水锰含量达标(Mn含量低于2.0 mg/ L),则废水pH值应控制在10.0 以上。 实验 室试验研究结果为后续的工程设计提供了较为合理的工艺流程。 关键词:废水处理;矿坑废水;重金属离子;除锰;吸附絮凝;石灰 中图分类号:X703 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0253-6099(2012)02-0045-04 Removal of Mn Ions from Mine Wastewater by Lime Flocculation 1 2 1 1 CHENGJian⁃guo ,LIN Yong⁃shu ,YANG Hua⁃ling ,LI Huai⁃xiang (1. Changsha Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Co Ltd, Changsha 410012,Hunan, China;2. Fujian Panluo Iron Ore Co Ltd,Longyan364405,Fujian,China) Abstract:Lime flocculation was adopted toremove Mn ionsin minewastewater of Panluo Iron Mine,andthe quality of water after treatment achieved grade I of national standard GB8978-1996,with the dosage of lime,anionic PAM and 3 3 3 98% sulfuric acid as 150 g/ m ,0.5 g/ m and20 g/ m ,respectively. According to the analysisfor the mechanism of lime flocculation to remove Mn from the wastewater,it can be concluded that Mn can precipitate and be separated out when pH is greater than 8.5,and,the pH value should be over 10 to ensure that the content of Mn can be reduced to less than2 mg/ L. Based on bench tests,a rational flowsheet was recommended as a des


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