600MW机组加氧处理转换过程(The process of oxygen treatment conversion process for 600MW unit).doc

600MW机组加氧处理转换过程(The process of oxygen treatment conversion process for 600MW unit).doc

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600MW机组加氧处理转换过程(The process of oxygen treatment conversion process for 600MW unit)

600MW机组加氧处理转换过程(The process of oxygen treatment conversion process for 600MW unit) Proceedings of the hubei institute of electrical engineering 2009 The process of oxygen treatment conversion process for 600MW unit Li yi feng 1 yu jianfei 1 zhao zhenghua 2 (1. Hubei electric power research institute, wuhan, hubei, 430077; 2. Guodian jingmen power company, jingmen, hubei) 1 introduction Equipped with two units of 600 mw unit in one power plant, the boiler to the east - BHK Japanese company Hitachi boiler factory USES the technology of domestic supercritical parameter composite transformer dc Bunsen type boiler, boiler type DG1900/25.4 Ⅱ type 2. Water supply, the condensate considering two kinds of processing conditions, one for volatile treatment (AVT (R)], one for working condition of oxygen treatment (OT), power plant running according to the situation of water vapor system adopt a different approach. During the commissioning phase of the unit, the process of the volatile treatment [AVT (R)] is carried out, and after the 168h trial operation, it is converted into the [AVT (O)] condition, which can be treated with the added oxygen process after the stable operation of the unit. The condensate treatment system consists of two 50% tube filters and 3 x 50% deep mixing beds. 3 deep mixing bed, when normal, two run one spare. The deep mixing bed of two units Shared a set of high separation rate in vitro regeneration system and auxiliary system, with small bypass and large bypass. The water treatment capacity of condensate is: maximum throughput (VWO working condition) 1461t/h, normal throughput (THA working condition) 1304t/h. When the feed water quality required, and the fine treatment system running normally, the OT technology can reduce the unit cost and guarantee the safe operation of the unit, improve the efficiency of the unit, has made many successful experiences at home and abroad. 2. Oxygen treatment principle and experimental research purpose Boiler feed water



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