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Today, my little sister died at 12:01 AM from a drug overdose after a long night of partying at a college house party her friends threw for her in celebration of her 21st birthday
Today, my sister died of drug overdose at 12:01, and yesterday her friends at school held a full night for her 21st birthday party. MMT
Today, the CEO of our company took a 36% pay cut so none of us -- his employees -- had to.mmt
Today, the CEO of our company took a 36% pay cut in exchange for the fact that were not getting paid for his work. MMT
Today, as my friends from me move my belongings out of the house, my husband (soon to be ex) who has physically and emotionally abused me for 10 years got down on his knees, by onto my legs, cried hysterically, and begged me not to leave. I left. MMT
Today, my friends helped me to carry all my belongings out of the home, because my husband (soon to be husband) in the past ten years, both physical and mental abuse me, and now, he is on his knees, embrace my leg, crying hysterically, begging me not to go. I kicked him in one foot. MMT
Today, I lent one of my students to get $300 question out of a gang related financial bind he got himself into. Once he was safe I called the cops. The Other head of motorcycle down on me, the school board is stillve my fate, but one of the cops whispered to me, You did the right thing. I m fairly certain You saved his life. MMT
Today, I lent a student 300 us knives to help him out of a previously trapped loan shark. After securing his safety, I called the police. Other teachers are looked down upon me, and the schools announcement will decide my future, but a policeman told me quietly, youre right, Im sure you have saved your student life. MMT
Today, I flew to NYC to see Katie. We were best friends in college. Back then, she had a crush on me. But she was slightly overweight and I always thought of its ehrs as being one of the guys. So We never dated. But when I saw its ehrs Today, I was captivated in ever
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